Tuesday, April 15, 2014

pada suatu malam dua tahun yang lalu anak tetangga datang ditemani ibunya, wajahnya memelas sekali, tugas semester dari dosennya belum selesai dia kerjakan, tidak ada yang mau membantunya mengerjakan tugas tsb, akhirnya dia datang padaku dan dengan senang hati, beberapa referensi aku permak sana sini, maka....

Modesty Value in Pantun
(Traditional Pantun in Jambi’s Culture)

This article examine the value of modesty in pantun. Especially in traditional pantun in Jambi’s culture. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive. This has data in qualitative form. It is mean that all of the data are not in statistic form. The technique of data analysis in this research is the Alir Miles and Huberman 1989 model. Based on the result of this research, we can conclude that; the modesty value in jambi’s pantun can be categorized into three group, they are; individual category, social category, and religious category. In this paper, focus of our discussion is about modesty in social category.
Keywords: modesty value
Indonesia has literary works in large numbers. It caused of every ethnic group in Indonesia has different and colorful literary works. According to Semi, the wealthy of Indonesian’s literary work divided into three big groups, they are; 1) oral literary works, 2) written literary works, 3) modern literary works.[1]
Generally, Indonesian in pre modern era did not know the written tradition. Although the technique of writing has been found, they did not use it to write the literary works. Literary works are the oldest social communication system in Malay’s culture.
Pantun is one of literary works in Indonesia. It is the real poetry from Indonesia and it can found in all of province in Indonesia. It is traditional poetry for all local societies. It is talking about the expression of human truth. It is produced by the customs and daily activities of Jambi society. In another words, pantun is familiar for all people in jambi, last, now, and in the future.
Custom is the habits of local society. Custom in real context is diversity of ethnic groups, religions, social cultures and many others elements in social life. In Jambi, custom divided into two parts, they are; Adat berbuhul mati and Adat berbuhul sentak. Adat berbuhul mati is the arrangements in society and rooted in it since the ancient time. Actually, this custom can not be separated to religion’s element. Adat berbuhul sentak is the custom that modified by situation and condition in society.
Pantun in Jambi custom used the native language. This language is simple, euphemism, polite, and has esthetics’ value. They are influenced the modesty value in pantun, especially pantun in Jambi’s custom.
Source of Data and Techniques of Analysis
Data in this paper are the verbal data. The data concrete words and realizing into words, phrases, lines, and stanzas that are expressing the modesty value. Source in this research taken from the book of Pokok- pokok Adat Pucuk Jambi Sembilan Lurah, volume III about literary custom in Jambi. This book arrange by the team of custom’s institution of Jambi province and it published in 2001. This book contains;1) introduction from the chief of the custom’s institution, 2) introduction from the governor of jambi province, 3) preface, 4) table of contents, 5) chapter I (introduction), 6) chapter II (literary in general form), 7) chapter III (Jambi’s custom and literary works), 8) closing, and 9) references.
The technique of data analysis is doing collective with the activity in collecting data. The technique in analyzing data is used alir model. This technique was introduced by miles and Huberman.[2] There are many steps in doing analysis with this technique. They are; 1) collecting data, 2) reducing data, 3) data presentation, 4) verification, and 5) final result.
The technique in checking the trustworthiness of the data is triangulation. The researcher does the triangulation of sources and method. It can help the researcher to get the truth from the data.
Value, Modesty and Pantun
Value is not only to fill the intellectual and human needs, but also to guide and teach us to be glorious, as mature as their status. Modesty is all attitudes, customs, greetings, conversations, and habits that are suitable to the right norm.
In our society, we can not live separately to others. It caused of our real need as parts of social life. Modesty is useful for us. It can create calm and quite life. In modesty socializations, specifically for teenager, parents play the most important part to realize it. 

The development of knowledge and technology influenced us in changing our condition in social life. They also change our view and interpretation of the right norm. For example, attitudes and modesties in our social surrounding.
Pantun is traditional poetry from old literary works in Indonesia. Literary works in old version can be differing to literary works now. Because, old literary works includes all pre history relics. The characteristics of old literary works in Indonesia, are; 1) the arrangements are no name, because they were considered that literary works are public’s wealthy, 2) literary works were being tied to the norm, because the writer afraid to making false or uncommon artistic results, 3) always used illustration words as their expression, 4) theme in every literary works always talking about right and wrong, and ending with the victory to the right one, 5) the description of castile or kingdom in every literary works, 6) talking about the gods and goddesses or other inscrutable things more than the real human life.[3]
Pantun is like an old literary works. The characteristics of pantun are;1) it rhyme a-b-a-b, 2) it has four lines, 3) two lines in front are the couplet, and two lines in the end are the contents.[4]
Pantun can be divided into two groups, based on its contents and its form. Kinds of it content, pantun has four kinds, they are; kids pantun, teen pantun, old person pantun, and teka teki pantun. Based on its form, pantun has four kinds, thye are; common pantun, seloka, talibun, and karmina.
Traditional pantun in jambi is one f literary works in jambi. As Syam stated in pokok- pokok adapt pucuk jambi sembilan lurah jilid III[5]; traditional pantun in jambi is one of literary traditional works from jambi. Beside pantun, jambi also has petatah petitih that can be used in communication among the native ethnic in jambi.
Data Analysis
In jambi traditional pantun, there are several pantuns that have modesty value in social category. They will be analyzing in the following parts based on their characteristics and values.
1.     Loving home town
Kalukup dipancung pahat
Padi di dendang di atas tanah
Hidup badan dikandung adat
Mati badan dikandung tanah
(kalukup cut by the chisel)
(Rice is singing on the ground)
(Life body is pregnant by the custom)
(Died body is pregnant by the ground)
In the forth and the fifth line, the modesty value shows the feeling of full love to the home town, because life or die we still in our home town.
2.    Always practicing the kindness
Arang safat debunya rintik
Cempedak dapat di padang pisang
Orang beradat lakunya baik
Idak beradat sopannya hilang
(Safat charcoal has dots dust)
(Get jackfruits in banana garden)
(Traditional people has good attitude)
(Without custom the modesty lost)
In our life, we always asked to do something in the right way. It must be care to reach the compatible. If someone practicing the kindness, he will be respect by others. Then, others will be afraid to hurt him.
This pantun has the modesty value in social life. The modesty value shows in the third lines. It influences us to practicing the kindness in order to get honor from others.
3.    Responsible to the society.
Dibilang banyak tikar di rumah
Terbang pagi burung berkicau
Mati anak gempar serumah
Hilang adat negeri kacau
(Stated that many plaited mats at home)
(Morning flays bird sings)
(A child died uproar in a whole home)
(Adat lost the country in confusion)

In this pantun, the modesty value place in the third and the fourth lines. It tells the responsibility as a good citizen, to hold the society in a good life.
4.    Modesty in all attitudes
Modesty means the habits and attitudes in tolerance to others. Care and responsible to other elements in social surrounding.
Dedap dipaku melindungi padi
Pagar kelukup tempat menampi
Adat itu membangun budi
Supayo hidup tetap serasi
(Dedap spiked to covering the rice)
(Kelukup fence as winnowing place)
(Adat built nice behaviors)
(So that harmonious life)
This pantun is realized in social modesty category. This pantun has modesty value that must be have in someone himself in his social life. Nice behavior is mental devices, like a corporation between mind and feel to decided which is the good and the worst one. Custom in native ethnic can help someone to build his nice behaviors.
5.    Harmonious
Harmonious is a good condition, full of peace, without dispute among people in society. Harmonious build a tolerance in that society.
Perahu pelito cukup sarat
Cupak bambu di bukit kapas
Kalu kito hidup beradat
Balak jauh penyakit lepas
(Lamp boat full enough)
(Bamboo cupak in cotton hill)
(If we live in custom)
(Calamity gone disease free)

The modesty value in this pantun placed in the third and the fourth line. If we always obey the rule in our custom, thus, we will always live in harmonious life.
6.   Mutual corporation
Mutual corporation is positive attitude that have to be increase in all society. Mutual corporation means doing everything together. If we do something in mutual corporation, our job will be finished early.
Kami takut basah kain
Tapi hujan tidak lebat
]kami mencari tempat lain
Biar lambat asal selamat
(We are afraid to wet cloth)
(But it is not heavy rain)
(We looking for other place)
(Kate is not big problem if we are safe)
This pantun shows that mutual corporation brings us to be good participants in every job. In society, mutual corporation is needed to built good surrounding. And hold the best corporation among others.
7.    Obedient to the custom and the rule
Pulau kulupuk tempat di tebat
Ikan di tebat mati tubo
Kalu hidup idak beradat
Ibarat sungai jatuh ke muaro
(Kelupuk island placed in tebat)
(Fish in tebat died by the stupefying)
(If we live without custom)
(Like a river fall to the mouth)
This pantun means that if we do not obey the custom and all rules in it, our life will be nothing.
Memecah gelombang di tengah laut
Sebelum gelombang pecah di pantai
Kedatangan kami jangan terkejut
Karno datang serto tuo tengganai
(Break the waves in the middle of the sea)
(Before the waves break at the beach)
(Our arrival do not be surprised)
(Because we are coming with the old and the honorable man)
In jambi custom, the old and the honorable person called tuo tengganai. In each occasion with a glorious event, tuo tengganai always attend it. Respect to tuo tengganai shows tha we are obeying the custom in the right way.
8.    Unity
Every ethnic needs unity to keep their relationship in their life. Unity always be improve by the ethnic groups until today. Unity help us to solve the problem (big or small) in our life.
Bahumo dapat di payo gedang
Bungo sekuntum di dalam semai
Bilo adat kito pegang
Hidup rukun serto damai
(Plant the rice in the big field)
(A flower in seedling)
(If the custom we hold)
(Life in harmonious and peace)
This pantun interpretative the condition in unity and holding the harmonious together based on the rules in custom.
There are thirty four pantun in jambi custom. Twenty nine pantun have modesty value, but in this paper only discuss about the modesty pantun in social life. Several pantun has modesty value and divided based on their contents and meaning. They are; loving home town, always practicing the kindness, responsible to the society, modesty in all attitudes, harmonious, mutual corporation, obedient to the custom and the rule, and unity.
Actually, every literary works have good contribution to our life. They can be the basic of our plan in building the real life and make it better. As one of the elements in our social life, we have to take the literary works care. Because, literary works are the wealthy sources in our nation. To avoid the crime works in literary, we have to used it as our brand and work as good as the custom stated in literary works, especially pantun.

[1] Atar Semi. 1995. Kritik Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa.
[2] In Analisis Data Kualitatif. (Terjemahan Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi)
[3] Arifin. Kamus Sastra Indonesia.
[4] Anton Moeliono in KBBI
[5] Book of Jambi traditional department

---------------- taraaaa...tugasnya selesai juga, jam 7 pagi keesokan harinya mereka datang lagi ke rumah, wajah gadis itu merona saking senangnya. ibunya menyelipkan selembar uang merah dibalik taplak meja ruang tamu kami..
aku merenung..apa lah arti lembaran itu, aku ikhlas, walau waktu tidurku terganggu.
hingga hari ini pun aku masih merenung. gadis itu sudah menjadi seorang sarjana sekarang. mungkin dia masih ingat atau mungkin juga dia sudah lupa.

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